What The Heart Thinks

I started writing poetry about 10 years ago, at a time when I found I had thoughts in my head that I really needed to get out.

It was a time in my life that was excessively interesting – There is an ancient curse “May you live in interesting times” and I learned first hand what a curse that truly was!

I found that writing something down, even something that’s causing you pain, distress, confusion, or dread, tends to defang it and leave it even a useful thought, as a pointer to where the crocodiles are!

Therefore I present here the thoughts from the deepest parts of my brain, from a time when all I had in life was the pain and fear that gave them life.

If any of these resonate with you, then I hope they bring you some part of the answers they brought me.

By Adrian Hungate

Adrian Hungate has been a computer enthusiast for over 40 years, as a hardware engineer, software engineer, and most recently as software architect, but always a passionate technology advocate. He has worked in a rather eclectic range of industries, and worked with, worked to replace, bug-fixed or contributed to hundreds of Open Source projects. He currently runs his own Open Source development system, which always welcomes new members, as well as a number of websites and hobby projects. You can also find him on Docker Hub (alehungate), Linked-In (adrianhungate), and Facebook (adrian.hungate). He lives with his partner, her sons, a dog, two cats and a variable number of foster children, all of whom help (to a greater or lesser extent) with proofreading his manuscripts.